📚 node [[proficiency|proficient]]
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⥅ related node [[proficiency]]
⥅ node [[proficiency]] pulled by Agora

What does it mean to be proficient? [[Wikipedia]], somewhat surprisingly, offers no help; so it must be defined here.

I consider myself proficient once I feel comfortable that I have enough skill to survive in all likely situations without external aid. Examples:

  • In #language this means I can navigate social situations with relative ease
  • In #programming 👨‍💻 This means I can accomplish any task presented (obviously provided I understand the needed tools aside from the programming language), if not in the best possible way
  • This means being able to tie a knot to aid with all functional situations, to be able to read music and play it with practice

Proficiency does not mean being anywhere close to perfect, that's [[Expertise]], but being good enough to do well.

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